
Performance (November 2016) is an A5 anthology themed around gender, performance, and performativity, and comes in an A5 format at 57 pages – available from our shop here!

Cover by Brigid Deacon, back cover by Julia Scheele
Marja de Sanctis
Julia Scheele
B. Mure
Bridget Meyne
Jordana Globerman
Meg-John Barker

Featuring comics, illustrations, and essays by the following amazing creators:

Amneet Johal (artist/zine-maker/member of the Alternative Press)
Bridget Meyne (comic artist/illustrator)
Bethan Mure (comic artist/illustrator)
Brigid Deacon (comic artist /illustrator)
Carta Monir (comic artist/illustrator)
Hannah K. Chapman (comic artist/co-founder of Comic Book Slumber Party)
Higu Rose (comic artist/illustrator)
Julia Scheele (comic artist/illustrator/co-founder of One Beat)
Julie Rose Bower (performance maker/installation artist)
Jordana Globerman (illustrator/zine-maker)
Katie West (photographer/writer)
Marja de Sanctis (illustrator/zine-maker)
Meg-John Barker (writer/therapist/activist academic)
NotCathi (comics artist/illustrator)
Sabba Khan (spatial designer/artist)
Sarah Broadhurst (co-founder of One Beat/zine-maker/all-round DIYer)
Tegan Anice (artist/illustrator)

The production of performance and payment for its contributors was funded through IndieGogo.

You can read Press about Performance here:

Performance – Gender and Performativity Explored in (…) Vital Anthology Offering – Broken Frontier, August 2017